Cake Pops Flower Pot for Mummies!
What a blast the 3-5 years old kids had during our Mothers Day Theme bake last Saturday and Sunday!
What was extremely memorable, was to see 9 year old Rayhan playing the big brother role in coaching and guiding his younger brother Keyaan. Despite being a kid himself, we saw how Rayhan will want to do all the activities, yet always willing to let Keyaan have a go at it. They will take turns, and Rayhan will, when necessary, hold his brother’s hand and guide him in the process. This simple act of helping one another, is exactly the kind of values which we hope to expose kids to and inculcate in them.

For example, during craft time, we deliberately arrange each child to have the raw materials of similar colours, and then encourage them to exchange with the other children. This arrangement will ‘force’ the child to speak up while learning about exchanging and sharing.

The baking of the flower cake pop with edible flower pot was actually quite a complicated piece of bake, given the multiple components. But am glad that the kids managed it well, and even started licking off the ‘dirt’ (Oreo) off the cone even before it was completed!
Cake Pops Flower Pot for Mummies! Read More »